Click here to find he latest shareware version of Brain Jam
It was thought that it solving Brain Jam with a computer program was too hard, and that a brute force attack would require days of computing time. My Brain Jam assistant proves that with some programming tricks every Brain Jam game can be solved or be proven unsolvable. Proving a game unsolvable is very fast, in general this takes less than 2 seconds on a fast pc. Average time to find the best solution for the solvable games is 10-30 seconds, although about 5% of the games take more than a few minutes and less then 0.4% take longer than an hour (longest is game 171 which took 52 hours).
You can download the solver by clicking on this icon [20010828 (fix, previous
version missed solutions in a few cases)]
It should run on all 32bits versions of windows from Windows 95 on, and you get a connect-4 program as well for free!